User Management System for Making Employee Time Tracking Report
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Manage data of all the departments of the branch(s).
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** You can enter DEPARTMENT INITIAL here. This initial will be used as prefix to the UNIQUE IDENTITY CODE for all the employees of the department.
Generate any number of SHIFTS for employees as per the company or branch policy.
Set After/Before Start time and After/Before End time
Set Recess Timings
Allow Before/After Timings: All attendance rules will be fired by system as per the time set here.
For eg., if in “Allow Before Start” 5 MINs is set, then EARLY ARRIVAL of an employee will be marked only if he arrives more than 5 minutes earlier then the SHIFT start time.
Enter the number of LEAVE TYPES (like CL, etc) and number of leaves allowed with each such TYPE.
Enter No. of Leave Days for a type
Specify whether leave is PAID or UNPAID
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Enter all the details of approved HOLIDAYS for employees.
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